User Guide
Version v3.6.0

Video Tutorials

This page presents all Alylvix 3 videos and tutorials, classified by task type.

  1. Basic Concepts tutorials that show how to use the Alyvix interface

    • 2-minute Introduction to version 3.3.1     (video #37 - 2’25”)

    • Introduction to version 3.1.0     (video #10 - 5’58”)

    • A minimal test case     (video #1 - 2’25”)

    • Extending the above example to check the results     (video #2 - 4’54”)

    • A multi-step web form example     (video #3 - 11’04”)

  2. Production Systems tutorials describing techniques based on real world production examples

    • VPN for Remote Monitoring     (video #44 - 7’09”)

    • Remote Desktop Connection - Full Example     (video #42 - 7’49”)

    • Government Service Portals     (video #36 - 7’40”)

    • SalesForce Cloud Service Console     (video #27 - 9’23”)

    • SalesForce Cloud Panoramic View     (video #26 - 9’23”)

    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM     (video #24 - 9’48”)

    • SAP Solution Manager     (video #23 - 6’53”)

    • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Warehouse     (video #20 - 5’42”)

    • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 General Ledger     (video #17 - 6’27”)

    • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 - Full Example     (video #15 - 9’55”)

    • Multi-Factor Authentication Login     (video #13 - 9’54”)

    • Secure Citrix Login     (video #7 - 5’26”)

    • Secure RDC Login     (video #5 - 4’31”)

  3. Operations tutorials with in-depth explanations of specific elements of the Alyvix Core interface

    • Image Components     (video #4 - 2’20”)

    • Rectangle Components     (video #6 - 3’28”)

    • Text Components     (video #8 - 5’15”)

    • Component (Mouse) Actions     (video #9 - 5’00”)

    • Measuring Time     (video #14 - 3’53”)

    • Output Composition     (video #16 - 8’18”)

    • Conditionals and Loops     (video #18 - 6’14”)

    • Section Logic     (video #22 - 4’38”)

    • Object Building     (video #35 - 6’42”)