User Guide
Version v3.6.0

Getting Started

Before using Alyvix, you’ll first need to take a minute to install it.

To follow along with the examples in this section on your own system, you’ll need to open the Windows Command Prompt (Start > Windows System > Command Prompt) and switch to the directory where you want to keep your test cases, for example:

C:\> cd C:\Alyvix\testcases

Walking through the steps of the examples below will give you a pretty good idea of how the Alyvix interface works.

  1. Example: Open the Windows Start Menu with Alyvix Editor

    • Build a simple test case that looks for and clicks on the Windows Start button

    • Run the test case, so that Alyvix actually opens the Window Start Menu

  2. Example: Open the Start Menu, then the Settings app immediately afterwards

    • Build a second test case object, where the second depends on the results of the first

    • Add the new step to the workflow from the previous example

    • Execute the test cases, checking that they work together

  3. Example: Launch a web browser and monitor a web page

    • Launch an application by its executable path with command line parameters

    • Measure how long it takes for the application to launch

    • Kill the application so it can be launched the next time the test case runs

    • Best practices when builiding test cases

  4. Example: Log in to a web app using credentials

    • Use the credentials and a private key to create encrypted credentials

    • Launch the web app as in the previous example and click on the login button

    • Use the encrypted credentials in the login fields (Alyvix will automatically decrypt them)

    • Do a simple task and then log out


You can find further examples, conceptual descriptions, and production-oriented use cases on the Video Tutorials page.