User Guide
Version v3.6.0

Version 3.0.0 - 3.0.2ΒΆ

Alyvix is an open source APM software tool for visual monitoring. If your machine matches the system requirements for Alyvix, you can install or upgrade it.

Python 3.7.6 64-bit official distribution is the recommended Python version to power Alyvix 3.0.x.

Version 3.0.2

Release date: March 25th, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • NATS-InfluxDB output mode can now publish system call objects ( i.e., without requiring visual components to detect)

  • Running single objects from test cases through Alyvix Robot now correctly saves their measures in .alyvix output files

  • The field name performance_ms, a feature of measure in .alyvix files, had a typo

Version 3.0.1

Release date: March 11th, 2020

New Features

  • NATS-InfluxDB: You can now output test case performance in Nagios format, and publish all measures to an InfluxDB database through a NATS channel

  • Alyvix Cipher: You can encrypt a text string ( e.g., a password) with a given private key


  • Editor focus handling: Both the ADD and RUN buttons in Alyvix Editor put the cursor focus on the previous window rather than Editor itself

  • Scaling factor check: Alyvix Editor and Robot supports any scaling factor setting

  • Text component scraper: .alyvix output files now store all text scrapes from all the object candidates and, eventually, their related proper extracts

Version 3.0.0

Release date: February 3rd, 2020

Alyvix 3 is a major product release, but it shares only the core concept with the previous version ( it has been totally re-designed, re-engineered and re-coded from scratch.

Build end-user bots and measure end-user experiences: with Alyvix Editor you can define visual transactions and script test cases, while with Alyvix Robot you can run these test cases to measure end-user transactions.

New high level features:

  • Multitype objects are defined by image, rectangle and text components

  • Objects are defined by up to 3 groups of 5 components each

  • Objects can be defined for more than one resolution and scaling factor

  • Object names, which are transaction names, are editable

  • Each object is browsable through its tree view and is shown in a monitor

  • Object interactions are sortable through a tree view

  • Objects can be duplicated (as an entire test case) and imported

  • A single object can be run from a test case

  • The editor is a single instance and designed to properly build visual test cases

  • Transactions, conditionals and loops can be scripted visually

  • Test case output is customizable, has multiple formats and includes debugging information

  • Transaction measurement accuracy can be improved by adding additional processing resources

  • It is a FLOSS tool entirely written in pure Python 3