User Guide
Version v3.6.0

Alyvix and Visual Monitoring

Welcome to the official guide for Alyvix 3.6.0 .

Alyvix lets you build end-user bots that visually interact with any Windows application like ERPs , or any web app in your favorite browser.

Run and measure business-critical workflows like a human would, but continuously. Alyvix records the click-to-appearance responsiveness of each transaction so you can automatically report IT service quality to support technical and business actions.

What to Do First

The first step is to check that your system has the minimum system requirements and then install Python and Alyvix.

Then if you want to just dive in and get something done with Alyvix, read the Getting Started page. It will get you up and running and prepare you to implement Alyvix in your environment.

For more extended, video-based example tutorials on the basics of using Alyvix, real-world use cases you might use in production, and operations-oriented explanations of Alyvix features, take a look at the Videos and Tutorials page.

The sections on test case building and execution contain more in-depth details and explanations about using Alyvix Editor and Alyvix Robot to create and execute test cases.

For information on how to get in touch with us, as well as with the Alyvix community, the Getting in Touch page has everything you need. If there’s anything we can do to improve the Alyvix experience for you, let us know!