You always monitor the systems and services you provide, especially your user-facing services. So why should your multi-factor authentication processes be any different? Use visual monitoring with Alyvix to regularly check that your MFA login procedure is running smoothly. We'll show you how to build a test case that logs you in to LinkedIn via 2FA, and logs you back out again. Feel free to modify it for your needs.
The Covid-19 epidemic had significant effects on Italians during the national lockdown this spring. It also resulted in significant, unpredictable effects on e-commerce throughout Italy, especially in terms of the physical delivery of packages. When web sites added slot-based reservation mechanisms to their ordering process to keep demand at sustainable levels, it turned out that Alyvix could be a big help.
This tutorial shows how to securely log on to a Citrix Gateway in a way that doesn't expose your credentials to public view. It then gives a complete example of how to use Alyvix Cipher and a private key to transform a user name and password into encrypted strings, and then how to use Alyvix Robot to automatically decrypt those strings when it runs the test case.
This tutorial shows how to securely log on to Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection application in a way that doesn't expose your credentials to public view. It then gives a complete example of how to use Alyvix Cipher and a private key to transform credentials into an encrypted string, and then using Alyvix Robot to automatically decrypt that string when it runs the test case.
“Thanks to the simulation of user interactions with our systems, we can guarantee high levels of service for our desktop-centric solution.”
Nerdio needed to measure latencies and end-to-end client performance from the user’s perspective. Alyvix helps them simulate user operations in common applications, enabling Nerdio to quickly identify any performance problems and fix them before Nerdio's customers encounter them.
"Already in the first week we have been able to restart four blocked applications or services, before our users would have even noticed the downtime."
The Internationales Bankhaus Bodensee needed a way to continuously verify that applications developed and hosted off-site were functioning. Würth Phoenix helped them set up Alyvix real user experience software to notify them when those applications went down.