Service Guide
Version v2.5.1

Version 2.4.0 - 2.4.2

Alyvix Service is a software tool for scaling up the management of instances of the Alyvix synthetic monitoring system. All you need is a compatible database and monitoring system that can link the Alyvix Service API with its own GUI and host model.

Alyvix Service Version 2.4.2

Release date: April 30th, 2024

This release of Alyvix Service v2.4.2 speeds up the Session status display.


  • Session status inconsistency: We refactored Alyvix Service to provide session status (i.e., disconnected, connected, waiting, running) more consistently with reality, so that the status is updated and shown accurately within integrated GUIs

Alyvix Service Version 2.4.1

Release date: April 24th, 2024

This release of Alyvix Service v2.4.1 speeds up the Session status display.


  • Session status bottlenecks: Alyvix Service was optimized to provide session status ( i.e., disconnected, connected, waiting, running) more quickly, so it can update and show the status within integrated GUIs more quickly

Alyvix Service Version 2.4.0

Release date: April 11th, 2024

This release of Alyvix Service v2.4.0 adds time periods to scheduling and streamlines SQL accesses.

New Features

  • Time Periods: Set custom time periods for each individual test case, specifying intervals during which each test case will be executed and thus also when they won’t be; in addition it helps you plan ahead for maintenance on Alyvix node machines, because test cases will not be scheduled outside those intervals


  • SQL query bottlenecks: Test case endpoints were optimized to provide results more quickly, and thus they appear within the monitoring GUI sooner